Orgasm problems

What is an orgasm disorder in woman?
When a woman never has an orgasm while making love and is distressed by this, she may have an orgasm disorder. When there is sufficient desire for sex and the body is stimulated in the right way, then an orgasm is a reaction of the body. For most women the orgasm is caused by a direct or indirect stimulation of the clitoris. In general, vaginal stimulation is not enough to get an orgasm. One third of all women rarely or never have an orgasm while making love. Only one woman in ten always have an orgasm when making love. Some women are also less interested in getting an orgasm.

How common is difficulty of achieving female orgasm?
Research has shown that between one quarter and one third of all women never or seldom have an orgasm. Only one woman in ten always get an orgasm while making love.

What are the causes of women not getting an orgasm?
There are various possible causes for not getting an orgasm, which are divided below into physical, psychological and social causes.
Physical causes:
Damage to the central nervous system, the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves, for example, by injury, tumours and multiple sclerosis.
Hormonal anomalies.
An inadequate learning process: little masturbation.
Insufficient knowledge of one's own body.
Psychological causes:
Not being able to concentrate on and accept the physical sensations.
Not giving enough attention to oneself while making love.
Wanting to come by all means.
Looking at oneself 'from a distance' and be distracted by this.
Distraction by stress, certain thoughts, etc.
Negative memories.
Social causes:
Not getting the form of stimulation needed to get an orgasm.
Insufficient safety, security, respect, communication, etc. More.
Having experienced harmful events in the sexual field.
Being too focused on the other person.

How can women's orgasm problems be treated? How can a girl learn to have an orgasm? How to make a girl orgasm?
When a woman can get an orgasm by masturbation but not while making love with the partner, the treatment will be mainly focused on the sexual relationship, improvement of the communication about sexuality and increasing sexual knowledge and abilities. When a woman has never experienced an orgasm the treatment is often focused on giving information about this and giving exercises. Taking away feelings of anxiety and guilt, restraining thoughts and discovering and expressing sexual desires is often a part of the treatment.

Which are the orgasm problems for men?
Orgasm disorders in men exist in the form of problems with coming and/or ejaculating (ejaculation). To come means in this case the physical processes: the ejaculation, a higher blood pressure, etc. The orgasm is the nice feeling that occurs when making love. Problems with the orgasm can be: coming too early, not come at all, a difficult ejaculation, no ejaculation, pain when coming or not experiencing an orgasm.

How can orgasm problems in men be treated? How can you increase the male sex drive?
This depends on the problem. Investigate premature ejaculation and use of medicines and drugs which can cause orgasm problems in men. In particular, medicines in the SSRI group often cause ejaculation problems.
Many somatic illnesses like diabetes, heart and vascular (blood vessel) disease, neurological disorders, hormonal imbalances, chronic diseases such as kidney or liver failure, and alcoholism and drug abuse can cause ejaculation problems. Treatment of such illnesses might help.
The most common cause of ejaculation problems in men is stress. So try to get away from stress. Perhaps making a romantic journey?
Fantasizing might help, Viagra might help.
Trying to concentrate on enjoying intimacy and sex without ejaculation might also help.